Local Place Plan

Our Local Place Plan that shouts about Anderston and what matters to us.

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Land, buildings, streets and green spaces shape how we live in a place – what should happen in Anderston?


What you want matters. Please take 10 – 15 minutes to give your thoughts.
Tell us three things to help build the plan:
What does Anderston need? How do we fix the challenges we’re facing in our place?
What does Anderston want? How do we create a brighter future for our place?
What Anderston says ‘No thanks’ to? What do we want to protect our place from?

It’s ok if you want to talk about more then just land and buildings – if it’s connected to place it’s important too.

Do this on the survey form HERE.

If you have ideas for specific locations – you can use Place Check to put these on a digital map. Place Check is an interactive map that allows communities to make notes on their place by using digital map pins.

Link to the Place Check HERE.



  1. Sign up by clicking the link at the top-right of the Placecheck screen (if you have not already done so).
  2. Log in. This will make the Placecheck buttons appear.
  3. Click on the button for the type of marker you would like to add – the green button for ‘Add something I like’, the red button for ‘Add something I don’t like’, and the orange button for ‘Something we need to work on’.
  4. Click on the map where you want to make a comment.
  5. Click on ‘Save to map’.
  6. In the box that opens, write down what it is (such as ‘Park gates’ or ‘Litter’ and why you are adding it.
  7. Click on Save.
  8. You can return to your map pin later to edit or delete it, but you cannot edit or delete a map pin that someone else has added.
  9. If you want to add a comment or idea that is not tied to a particular location, please drop a pin anywhere in Anderston and when commenting start by typing GENERAL COMMENT in capital letters.
  10. You can click to agree or disagree with someone else’s comment (upvote or downvote).


  • If you click on the “About” tab at the top of the Placecheck page for instruction how to use Placecheck…the same text is repeated below.
  • You will need to sign-up using an email address to submit your responses. (This data is retained by Placecheck only for verification purposes and is deleted when the Placecheck is completed).

Please now click THIS LINK to access the Placecheck survey.

Place Check screenshot

How else can I get involved? Pick up information when you are visiting the Pyramid for your normally scheduled events or during one of our pop-up sessions (19 and 20 February, 19 and 20 March).

  • Pick up a paper survey form. Write in your answers to the questions. Post it into the box or return it to The Pyramid.
  • Pick up a walking guide. We have suggested routes to walk. Write your answers to the questions in the guide. Post the finished guide back into the box.
  • Special Street Event: Saturday 29 March, 10am – 4pm
    We’ll be out on the street with fun activities for all ages. Find us on the corner of Argyle Street and Pembroke Street.

What is a Local Place Plan (LPP)?

• It’s a new way to tell the Council’s planning team your ideas and vision for your community.
• It’s an opportunity to say what you want and need from existing and future land and buildings.
• It gives you stronger voice in shaping the future of your area and meeting the community’s needs.
• Glasgow City Council has to consider including the ideas in our LPP in the next City City Development Plan (CDP)

If you want to learn a bit more, download this Easy-Read Guide.


Who is writing the Plan?
Anderston Community Council, G3 Litter-Free and the Pyramid have formed a steering group to develop the plan. They will ask everyone in the community to give their views and ideas.

What will be in the Plan?
Anything that you think will improve Anderston as a place to live, work and visit. We need you to tell us what. Over the next few months, we’ll be asking local folk for their ideas about how to make our town an even better place. And we’ll be working with you to develop it into a Plan to make it happen.

The final Plan might include:

  • How you want Anderston to look in 10 years’ time.
  • Keeping existing initiatives going, ideas for starting new ones, starting new ones, or developing local services and facilities.
  • What we need for businesses to thrive in Anderston.
  • Suggested projects to help Anderston become more sustainable and deal with the impacts of climate change
  • Big ideas to help connect Anderston to the rest of the city and make it a liveable place for all its residents.

Please note that all the hard work put in by local people into supporting the Liveable Neighbourhood – Yorkhill to Anderston Plan will be drawn on to form this Local Place Plan.

Why should I get involved?
This is a chance to shape the future of Anderston for ourselves, our friends and family, and our grandchildren and beyond. We have inherited a place that local citizens have helped shape and make better for us. We can’t pay that back, but we can pay it forward with our time and passion.

Will my idea be in the Plan?
That’s the aim! There will be many different ideas because Anderston is a home and a work-place to so many different people. We will work to identify together ideas that will have significant impact and be beneficial. We’d like to get input from as many people as possible. We’ll encourage discussion by being available at public events and going direct to local groups to the best of our ability and capacity.

When will the Plan be complete?
We are aiming to have the plan completed by June 2025.

How can I get in touch with the Steering Group?
If you’d like to get in touch with the Steering Group, please email us at chair@anderstoncc.org.uk

The Anderston Local Place Plan Steering Group all reside or work in Anderston: Janine Neil (Anderston Community Council); Robert Fee (Anderston Community Council); Sooz Young (G3 Litter Free); Kirsteen MacDonald; Ailsa MacKenzie (The Pyramid).

Please feel free to download this promo poster and pop it up in your workplace or stairwell.

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The Pyramid at Anderston
Anderston Community Council
G3 Litter Free