Learn to ride / Led cycle session

/ 6.00pm—7.00pm
Women and Non binary / 16+

Free, booking required 

Adult Learn To Ride Lessons
Never learned to ride a bike as a child? Bike for Good’s qualified cycling instructors will be on hand to teach complete beginners the basics of how to ride a bike in a traffic-free, supportive, fun way. Helmets, bikes and hi-vis bibs provided.

Led Ride
Already know how to ride a bike? Want to cycle more, but feel unsafe riding on the roads? Unsure where to begin? Join us for a social bike ride. Using the cycle paths near the Pyramid at Anderston, Bike for Good’s ride leaders will guide you along a gentle, led ride. We will safely navigate any junctions and explore the cycling infrastructure in the area. Helmets, bikes and hi-vis bibs provided.

Contact euan@thepyramid.scot to book or ask any questions

In partnership with Bike for Good.